Now, here we go with a Bates Motel review. As most of you will know this is based on the original character Norman Bates that was created by Alfred Hitchcock in the 1960s. The major thing with this is it is set back when young Norman was a teenager approaching adult hood and the relationship he had with his mother.

The Plot of Bates Motel

It can be a bit harder to review series packs like this because a lot of stuff happens. But briefly the series starts off after the death of Normans father. His mother, Norma Bates is obviously upset (haha) and decides to pick up and move to another town. She buys a hotel she sees going cheap in a foreclosure sale and of course renames it Bates Motel. Norman and his mother share a close connection, a connection bound by manipulation and emotional blackmail from her side to which Norman is struggling to break free of. The two then start their journey of fixing up the Motel into a viable business.

As Norman starts to assimilate into the town his mother looses her grip on Norman. She struggles to maintain the Motel and her grip on Norman. Things start to go wrong with the local town folk (understandably) not all taking a liking to her. Drama ensures when Norma is raped and Norman comes to the rescue inadvertantly killing her attacker. Can the pair keep this quiet or will they get busted? Well, I guess you guys will have to watch the show to see what happens.

The Verdict

The series is rather well made and draws the watcher in from the start. It’s never boring and explores the early life of Norman rather well. The actors play their parts rather well, especially Vera Farmiga playing Norma (who also appeared in Paranormal Activity). The one thing I found a bit weird is that the show seems to be set in 2010 or so rather than the 1940s which would have really made it fit the time line of the origianl story. But then again this will be able to appeal to a new bunch of viewers, many of whom will presumably go back and watch the original movie.

Overall I really liked Bates Motel and fully recommend you sit back and waste a weekend on at least the first series of this. I’ve got the first 2 series and will definitely be putting the next one on shortly.

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