Year of Release2006

I have to say Diary of a Cannibal is a pretty ‘out there’ concept for a film. It centres around a young couple that meet on the internet and fall in love. Nothing unusual there. The male in the relationship obviously has some deep psychological issues and need for love (probably attributable to his mother) and Noelle the female still isn’t right after the death of her father in her childhood.  I guess between the two of them and their mental malfunctions, the pair make a well matched couple.  As the relationship deepens, he asks his new found lady love to kill him and eat him. She of course refuses but later reconsiders and agrees to his request.

This film starts out a little slow with a series of flash backs with a badly injured Noelle being interrogated by the police about the grizzly death. The film then works backwards from there. It’s a novel way to tell a tale I guess. It honestly it gets a bit boring and confusing not long into the movie. A lot of random footage and blurry flash back vision make this rather painful to watch. It watches kind of like a dream sequence / home made snuff film, maybe that was the intent? I’m not really sure. Plot wise its a little thin, and I’ve more or less disclosed the whole story anyway

The Verdict:

I will go as far as to say it doesn’t seem to follow any logical sequence at all. Many of the sequences are repeated. Over and over again.  Maybe it is intended to be watched on drugs? If someone reading this wants to get really wasted and watch this one and report back to me on wether it makes more sense on mind altering substances I’d like some feedback on that. I’m not sure what the director of this was aiming for but for me it fell short of the mark. Well short. It’s  a shame because it is a fairly morbid concept behind the film and I know that if had it been done a little better could have been something quite…  well not excellent, but at least a lot more captivating.

Overall DOAC doesn’t suck too bad.  Diary of a Cannibal itself is a tale of squandered potential. Basically only buy this if you see it going cheap.

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