Year of Release2018
DirectorJames Wan

After rewatching the Conjuring I was keen to check out The Nun. This movie also produced by James Wan (also responsible for Saw) should appeal to fans of the Conjuring etc… For those that don’t know the Nun made a minor appearance in the Conjuring 2. Shortly after the release of that movie it was decided to create the spin off Nun movie.

The movie started in suitably gothic creepy style. I felt that from the start I would like this film. The film opens in 1950s Romania with a sequence featuring a pair of nuns looking for a sacred object. One of the pair getting dragged to hell by an unseen demon, the other fleeing and later killing herself. The film then flashes to a young nun to be (un-ordained), Irene teaching her class who is suddenly summoned by the Vatican to go to Romania to investigate said suicide of the Nun.

The pair’ enlist the help of a local tour guide who found the body of the nun a couple of years back and embark on a journey leading to the Romanian abbey (Convent?). It would appear the abbey was previously owned by a duke, an occult practitioner. He had opened a gate way to hell within the building. The church took over the building and ritually sealed the gateway inside the abbey. Or so they thought.

The travelling pair try to get to the bottom of what actually happened at the abbey. Talk of an apparition in the form of a nun roaming around the abbey indicate the gate has opened again. Its up to our Nun to be and the other Nuns who reside at the abbey to seal the gate again.

The Verdict on The Nun

This movie isn’t too bad, but really its nothing special either. Its worth a watch but there are other movies you should be watching before this one. Certainly not the worst movie I’ve reviewed here either. The Nun is not too heavy on the gore. It relies more on an eerie atmosphere. The movie evokes a dark religious atmosphere which I tend to like. It grossed big time at box office too ($365 million) making it the most successful of The Conjuring universe. I get the feeling this wasn’t aimed at hardcore horror heads but more mainstream horror audiences. But there are some cool special effects and jump scares in this one.

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