Year of Release1985
DirectorJohn Carpenter

It’s about time I got around to reviewing John Carpenters The Fog. As with anything directed by Carpenter I hold it in high regard. Not only did carpenter direct it, he wrote the score and the story line. The man is a genius. It stars Janet Leigh (psycho), Janets daughter Jamie Lee Curtis (Halloween) and Tom Atkins (Halloween 3 / Maniac Cop amongst many others), So its a pretty high calibre cast!

The story revolves around some characters residing in Anotonio Bay, California. There is a fog settling into the bay and with it comes a group of shadowy figures murdering a bunch of the wharfies. Who are they and where do they come from? Well that is the million dollar question I wont ruin for you as it will give the whole film away. The plot is fairly simple with some great interplay between characters. But nothing really worth mentioning. THis is just one of those films you’ll have to trust me on!

I really like John Carpenters The Fog. Its extremely well scripted and shot. The film work is exceptional. Some eerie colour add to the creepy feel of the movie. Its a fairly simple movie easy to follow and the gore factor isn’t too high so you could even watch it with your kids!

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