Year of Release1979
DirectorWerner Herzog

Just to avoid confusion I should state from the onset that “Nosferatu – The Vampyre” is not the origianal Nosferatu from 1922. (I’ve already reviewed that one previously with this blog). This one was shot in 1979, by a group called Werner Herzog out of Germany, a fair while after the 1920’s original but despite being shot in colour seems to retain the feel of the original.

The film opens up in fine gothic style in some sort of burial chamber. The viewer is subjected to mummified corpses of both adult and children. The music is suitable gothic and right from the onset the film establishes a disturbing air about it. I should say that for the most part theres nothing too majorly violent with this film (It scored a PG rating) but there is an art to disturbing the viewer without the use of gore, and this guys seem to have hit the nail on the head.


I have the English version but thats good for me, it makes it easier to watch. There’s probably no point re-hashing the plot, in too detailed a way as it basically follows the original quite closely, just with more dialogue. Just briefly though, Jonathon leaves for Transylvania to close a real estate deal with Count. His wife, Lucy doesn’t want him to go. Lucy is played by the absolutely stunning Isabelle Adjani (a name im sure will mean nothing to anyone outside Germany). Once Jonathon gets to Carpathia he is warned by the village folk not to go to the Nosferatu’s castle. He of course does. there he meets the count and begins to fall under his spell. The count, or Nosferatu as he is referred to in this movie is brilliantly played by Klaus Kinski. Again he looks a lot like the original Nosferatu and pulls this off brilliantly.

Klaus Kinski as Nosferatu the Vampyre and the gorgeous Isabelle Adjani as Lucy, the object of the Vampyres affection.

Overall I have to say that these guys have done a brilliant job of updating the movie, but retaining that original, old world feel. The movie is superbly shot, the dialogue is captivating and the score is amazing. This is truely a visual feast. I really enjoyed the experience that was Nosferatu The Vampyre.

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If you’re looking for more Vampire films to watch be sure to check out Bram Stokers Dracula as an all time fave, and the The Vampire Lovers and Vampyres if you’re looking for something a bit saucier! Either way all great movies!